Sales & Negotiations: Previous State Farm Circle of Influence Speakers

2019 -芯片头盔

National Sales Manager, Cook Medical

芯片舵从一个牙科学校的辍学生到一家数十亿美元医疗设备公司的全国销售经理, 芯片舵 has honed his sales skills from the ground up. 奇普知道如何发展和维持长期关系,以帮助推动销售成功. If it is personal branding, 练习谦卑, or following-up and following-through, his practical advice is applicable to anyone at any stage in their career.

他的指导, and leadership has helped thousands of students, and colleagues over his last three decades in sales. Chip is a regular guest lecturer at business schools around Indiana. He is also a certified coach and college lecturer. His loves are family, work, and his home in Northern Michigan.

他持有印第安纳大学生物学学士学位和南佛罗里达大学工商管理硕士学位. 奇普结婚26年,在南加州大学攻读MBA课程时遇到了他的妻子西瑞拉. 他们有三个成年子女,都在卫生和医学领域接受教育和从事职业. Chip has worked for Cook Medical for over thirty-two years.

Chip presented “Everyone is in Sales,” a motto he strongly believes in. 奇普将演示“KISS”方法(保持简单愚蠢)来描述可以使你在生活和事业上取得成功的生活经验和行为. 在他的演讲之后是一个网络环节,学生们可以与出席的公司互动,建立关系,这些关系在过去已经为他们带来了许多工作安排.

Photos from the students sessions, February 19, 2019



Associate Professor of 市场营销, University of Dallas

劳拉·穆尼奥斯劳拉·穆尼奥斯发表了“3人桌:你的客户,你,以及情绪在销售过程中的作用”.她描述了如何理解情感在客户关系中的作用,可以提高你的销售能力,并带来长期的成功. 在她的演讲之后是一个社交环节,学生们将与出席的公司互动,建立关系,这些关系在过去已经为他们带来了许多工作安排.

Dr. 穆尼奥斯获得了博士学位.D. 得克萨斯大学泛美分校(AACSB认证)工商管理-市场营销/国际商务, 现为德州大学里奥格兰德谷分校),目前担任达拉斯大学市场营销学副教授. She has over ten years of experience teaching marketing, 创业, and professional selling courses. 她还担任学生组织的导师和全国销售比赛的教师教练. 她的团队最近刚刚在佛罗里达国际大学(Florida 国际 University)的全球英语销售比赛中获得金牌.​



​Sales Leader at State Farm

布莱恩·麦克利什布莱恩·麦克利什 presented “The Power of Needs and Nods” on Tuesday, 2月21日, 2017 in the Heritage Ballroom in Tirey Hall at 5:30 pm. (下载活动PDF)

他描述了需求评估技术如何用于建立客户关系,以及简单的点头如何增强你的联系. 在他的演讲之后,一名完成销售实习的学生分享了了解客户需求如何在他们的经历中发挥作用.

Brian was born and raised just north of Terre Haute in Clinton, IN, 毕业于圣约瑟夫学院,获得数学和物理学位. He also lettered 3 years in baseball for the Pumas. He began his career at State Farm in 1989 as an Auto Underwriter in Bloomington, IL, and moved to Paris to be a State Farm agent in 1996. 2001年,Brian晋升为代理领导,目前是印第安纳州中西部和伊利诺伊州东部中部的销售主管. 他和他的妻子, Jami(在系统部门的州立农场工作)有3个孩子和4个孙子孙女. The McLeish’s are passionate about helping kids, 所以布莱恩担任了克林顿社区娱乐中心的董事会主席, 2005年至今.


2016 -梅丽莎·鲍勒

Executive Director of the Providence Improv Guild

梅丽莎玩滚球的人2016年4月5日下午5:30.m. she shared how to use improv comedy to become a better salesperson. 


梅丽莎玩滚球的人是普罗维登斯(罗德岛)即兴表演协会的创始成员和执行董事, 这是一所即兴表演学校和场地,使普罗维登斯的即兴表演社区扩大了四倍. 她在贝勒大学和佐治亚大学等其他大学举办了关于在销售中使用即兴表演的研讨会.

Her corporate clients include AT&T和孩之宝医院. 她与布莱恩特大学销售项目的合作获得了2014年全国销售管理会议最佳销售教学创新奖.



克雷格·伊莱亚斯 is author of “Social Selling: Maximize Sales Outcomes by. Using Relationships and 技术.”

克雷格·伊莱亚斯克雷格·埃利亚斯是《澳门合法赌场官网》的创造者,也是获奖销售书籍《澳门合法赌场官网》的作者! The Chief Catalyst of SHiFT Selling, Inc. and LinkedIn user 3,956 of now over 325 Million users. 近20年来, 克雷格运用“触发事件”策略,在每一家雇佣他的公司里都成为了顶级销售人员——包括世界通信公司,他在加入该公司的六个月内就被评为第一名销售人员.

Craig’s Trigger Event strategies have resulted in:

  • Winning a $1,000,000 prize in a global “Billion-Dollar Idea” pitch competition
  • Being named 15th on Forbes list of the most social sales people on the planet
  • NBC新闻报道, 《澳门赌场玩法官网》, 日经市场营销杂志, 业务2.0, and Sales and 市场营销 管理
  • 赢得最后一家公司, 被评为“硅谷最热门的40家公司”之一,并两次入选道琼斯北美50家最有前途的公司之一 


2014 -汤姆·布莱克

Author of "The Boxcar Millionaire," 



Founder of the solution selling concept and co-author of "伟大的销售人员做什么:通过情感联系和故事的力量进行销售的科学,"​

迈克·博斯沃思“在过去的几十年里,博斯沃思在销售领域发展了几个不同的思想流派,对他很有影响,——乔恩·霍斯, ISU斯科特商学院销售与谈判中心主任说. "Bosworth was involved in the creation of spin selling, 它强调销售人员在销售电话中向潜在客户询问问题,以确定如何最适合他们的需求, 霍斯说. Bosworth also created "solution selling,这句话在科技行业的销售人员中很常见,霍斯说.

Prominent author and sales expert to speak at Indiana State (2013年1月23日)

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2012 -汤姆·布莱克

Author of "The Boxcar Millionaire,布莱克在贫困中长大,他认为目标的设定和努力工作是他在销售和商业上取得成功的原因. He presented "Achieving Sales Success Ethically,在演讲中,他向着迷的听众解释了他对成功的定义:“逐步实现一个有价值的目标或梦想。."

"It didn't say I'd be the smartest or the best-looking or the richest. It didn't say that I had to have the biggest house or the best car," Black said. "It just said that every morning when I got up, I was progressively moving towards my worthwhile goal or dream."


"Boxcar Millionaire"™ encourages students to define success, maintain honesty (2012年4月9日)

Sales expert, author to speak at Indiana State (2012年2月27日)